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The hops vine (Humulus lupulus or 'wolf of the woods') is native to Europe, Southwestern Asia and North America. Hops contains Vitamins C, B6 and E as well as the resins and essential oils that provide the nerve calming effects. Hops are palatable to most horses when added to their daily feed.


Hops flowers have antibacterial properties that reduce harmful gut bacteria and help to maintain proper gut pH, reducing the risk laminitis and ulcers. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties calm the central nervous system. Hops helps easily distracted horses to concentrate on their training and calms horses that are spooky/sensitive.


Hops and Valerian enhance each other's calming properties, providing a powerful calmer for your horse. Valerian is NOT competition legal.


For a bespoke calmer mix, please use the 'contact us' page to communicate with Michelle about your horse's calming requirements. I can then provide a custom calming mix for your horse once we have tried to establish the cause of the anxiety, stress, excitability etc.

All our supplements are in a powdered form, allowing for superior absorption of the active ingredients when compared with 'cut pieces of herbs, chunks, granules or shreds'.


As with all supplements, we recommend a gradual introduction to the horse’s feed, building up to the full dose over a few days.


No fillers or bulking agents added.



Hops Powder 1kg

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