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Our herbal calming combination contains five herbs known to aid relaxation, a calmer outlook and focus. Chamomile is well known for its calming, relaxing effects on both the nervous and digestive systems. Valerian is useful for helping anxious horses to relax without causing drowsiness or affecting their performance. PLEASE NOTE: Valerian is a banned substance by the FEI and Jockey Club. For competition horses, please consider our Relax & Focus Competition. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Hops calm the central nervous system. Hops helps easily distracted horses to concentrate on their training and calms horses that are spooky/sensitive. Lemon Balm has a wonderful calming effect and is soothing to the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Vervain is an effective herb to help calm and settle spooky, nervous or over excitable horses.  

Chamomile contains phenolic acids, flavonoids and anti-oxidants, helping to avert free radical damage in the body and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy benefits. Horses find chamomile very palatable.

Valerian root is often useful for horses whose anxiety is not eased by a magnesium supplement, as they are either not magnesium deficient, or their behaviour is not caused by the deficiency. Valerian and hops enhance each other’s calming effects when fed together.

Lemon Balm has antiviral, antibacterial and antihistamine properties and is helpful for horses recovering from illness and to boost the immunity. It is very useful for high stress environments.

Research has shown that vervain offers a range of benefits to animals from a reduction in restlessness, depression and anxiety to improved sleep patterns.

Hops contains Vitamins C, B6 and E as well as the resins and essential oils that provide the nerve calming effects. Hops are palatable to most horses when added to their daily feed.


All our supplements are in a powdered form, allowing for superior absorption of the active ingredients when compared with 'cut pieces of herbs, chunks, granules or shreds'.


As with all supplements, we recommend a gradual introduction to the horse’s feed, building up to the full dose over a few days.


No fillers or bulking agents added.



Relax & Focus Calmer 1.25kg

SKU: LGL-R&F1.25kg
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